Sunday 6 May 2012

The Miracle Pulsating Tinnitus Solution System Uncovered

If you hear a whooshing or thumping sound in your ear that pulses like your heartbeat, then you have a condition called pulsating tinnitus - also known as pulsatile or vascular tinnitus. As you will have guessed, it really is the sound of the blood circulating through your body.

As few as 3% of tinnitus sufferers will experience pulsating tinnitus which is caused by a variety of conditions, most are harmless, but because they deal with conditions relating to blood flow and circulation some can also be life threatening. It is important to get any pulsating tinnitus checked by your medical professional.

Sometimes the sound that you hear can also be heard by other people, this is called objective pulsating tinnitus and because there is no mistaking the sound the cause of it can be fairly easily diagnosed and treated. Sometimes you are the only person that can hear the sound. This is called subjective tinnitus and is a little harder to diagnose and treat.

Because there are a large number of blood vessels, including arteries, in the area pulsating tinnitus has a correspondingly large number of causes. The treatment for each varies, so it is important that you understand the cause before you embark on any treatment method.

One of the common causes of pulsating tinnitus is just an increased amount of fluid in your eardrum. This could be because of an ear infection or just the build up of fluid that accompanies a head cold. As you know, fluid conducts sound waves so the sound of the blood moving through your small blood vessels is amplified.

Although this is annoying, it is also harmless. While in severe cases you might be prescribed antibiotics or nasal sprays some people have found that taking supplements like Goldenseal can be an effective method of reducing the amount of mucus in your ears.
Sometimes an ear infection can also occur in the middle ear and the resulting inflamed tissue will also conduct sound from the blood vessels.

Again, treatment with antibiotics, sprays and some anti-inflammatory medications should relieve the tinnitus.

In some cases you might have an underlying medical condition like hyperthyroidism, anemia, heart murmurs and even pregnancy that causes disturbances in the blood flow. These types of illness or medical conditions can all have pulsating tinnitus as a symptom.

Physical problems with your Eustachian tube are also a common cause of pulsating tinnitus. Usually this tube allows the air into your middle ear but sometimes it can become enlarged or blocked. This can also be treated with anti-histamines and sprays.

High blood pressure is a common cause of pulsating tinnitus and this can be controlled by medications, lifestyle changes and herbal supplements like black cohosh.
In very rare cases your pulsating tinnitus can also be caused by aneurysms, tumors, atherosclerosis and high inter-cranial pressure.

Although many of these causes of pulsating tinnitus might seem concerning, the vast majority of them are actually minor and easily treated. The chances that your tinnitus is being caused by something that is potentially life threatening are very small, but never the less do exist so you need to get your medical professional to check out what is causing the sound.

By finding out what is causing your pulsating tinnitus you will also get to find out the best way to treat or manage it as well. It might be an easily treatable ear infection or just a build up of fluid that is also very easily drained. People who experience other forms of tinnitus often have to manage the condition, so check with your doctor or ear specialist to get the best treatment options.

For years I suffered with pulsating tinnitus. When I first began hearing these hissing noises, I didn't pay very much attention to it. I figured it was just some freak symptom that would go away. Unfortunately, it did not go away. It only got worse. And when I visited my doctor, he told me that there is no REAL cure for Tinnitus but I discovered how to naturally cure Tinnitus and live a normal life!

Get the relief you deserve by visiting my site by clicking here.

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